Oliva Art Center

The conversion of zone 2 at Oliva, an emblematic industrial space in S. João da Madeira and a unique part of the modernist architectural heritage, marked a turning point, a change of direction and paradigm in the factory's productive function. In this turning point, the Oliva Art Centre plays a fundamental role in anticipating a future based on valuing creative thinking and the connection between artistic practice and other productive contexts.
It is therefore a meeting place for expressions, ideas and creative strategies from different origins and motivations. This cohabitation is seen today as a necessary condition for development and innovation, by establishing the field of unlikely combinations between familiar ideas, the transformation of existing ideas, but also their application and implementation in the social fabric. The Oliva Art Center's mission is to stimulate public dialog with contemporary art and culture. To this end, it has a temporary exhibition space.



Tuesday to Sunday:
10:00–12:30 and 14:00–17:30

Rua Paula Rego, 3700-119 S. João da Madeira

256 004 190 || centrodearteoliva@cm-sjm.pt